Privacy Policy

Your Privacy Matters To Us

Your privacy is absolutely our number one priority at all times. We will never under any circumstances release your personal details, ordering information or any other collected data to any third party whatsoever. This includes our suppliers, contractors, affiliates, partners or anyone else not employed by Adult Time.

Please be aware that if you post personal information online this is accessible to the public, such as on message boards, through email, or in chat areas, that information can be collected by others and used for unsolicited messages in return.  Whilst we take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information that is in our possession, Adult Time cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us before it reaches us, and you do so at your own risk.  You are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords and/or any account information.  Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online.

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Information - In most circumstances, information collected by Adult Time is used on an aggregate basis.  This means the information of customers are grouped together which does not reveal the personal information of any particular user.  This aggregated information is primarily used to evaluate our business in areas of products and services.

We collect and use your personal information such as name, contact details, payment details and enquiry or complaint details when you create an account, contact us, enter a competition, make a purchase or join a mailing list.  We collect this information to provide, administer, improve and personalise your interaction and dealings with Adult Time. 

With regards to unsolicited emails from us, please note that this will not happen! Your email address will be used strictly to communicate the status of the order, and for other order specific customer service tasks.However, you will receive emails if you subscribe to our newsletter to receive special offers, notification of new products etc. You may unsubscribe from this service at any time.

Payment information is not fully retained or stored by Adult Time. 

All employees at Adult Time have signed a confidentiality agreement that restricts them discussing with any person any order information or customer details.

Adult Time does not sell, trade or rent user information with anyone.


Adult Time uses cookies which allows you to browse our products and purchase goods. A cookie is a small data file that assigns a unique number to the user and writes to your hard drive when you visit our website. This number lets us keep track of your shopping cart which allows you to leave products in your shopping cart and check out at a later date. Please note a cookie cannot read data on your hard drive.


Adult Time actively seeks to comply with Australia’s privacy laws. We aim to ensure that our privacy policy continually meets all legal requirements in order to maintain and honour your privacy. For more information about the National Privacy Principals, see the Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website: